5 Things Parents Need To Know About Hyphema

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Sports-related eye injuries are common, and are responsible for about 100,000 doctor’s visits every year in the United States alone. One of these sports-related eye injuries is hyphema, which is bleeding in the front chamber of the eye. Here’s what you need to know about it.  What sports cause hyphema? Hyphema is caused by blunt trauma to the eye or the surrounding area. While this can happen in any sport, the most dangerous sports involve a lot of rough contact with other athletes, such as boxing or wrestling.…

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What Are Eye Floaters And Do They Require Treatment?

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Eye floaters come in different forms and affect everyone in a different way. Some people may see eye floaters as clear circles connected together to form a shape and others may see them as black dots or even as squiggly lines. Floaters seem to move around as you move your eyes. There will be times when they are more noticeable, such as when you are outside on a sunny day.…

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